Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fall at Point Pelee National Park (Day Two)

Me photographing a sanderling
Photo by Andrew Almeida
We headed to the park first thing in the morning and went straight for the Visitor's Centre in order to catch the shuttle to the tip.  Luckily there were still plenty of parking spots available and not many people were in line waiting for the shuttle.  It was a cool morning but the day would warm up nicely making it quite comfortable for being outdoors at the park. 

Once we arrived at the shuttle stop for the trail to the tip, we took a little side trail and headed for the beach.  We thought we'd walk along the beach to the tip.  We saw quite a few interesting things on the beach such as a portion of a wing belonging to a Norther Flicker.
What remains of a Northern Flicker on the beach
Photo by Andrew Almeida
The  most interesting thing of all though was the mass numbers of Monarch butterflies that were all around us.  Some were flying, many were resting on the leaves and branches of trees and shrubs.  It was like a fairytale being surrounded by all these beautiful butterflies.  I had never seen anything quite like it in the wild!  Monarch butterflies pass through Point Pelee during their winter migration south to Mexico.  Monarch butterflies are quite fascinating, they travel over 3000 km during their migration.

Monarch Butterflies
Monarch Butterflies
Monarch Butterflies
As for bird sightings, I saw gulls, blue jays, turkey vultures and 2 red-tailed hawks.  I'm sure I missed many birds as I was so intrigued and fascinated by the butterflies that I just didn't notice them around us.

We eventually made our way to the tip where there were a few people already there but not many.  There was more of the tip to be seen this time of year then when we had visited in May.  (You can read about our visit to Point Pelee this past May during the Festival of Birds by clincking on this link).
View of the Tip
Photo by Andrew Almeida

Looking back towards the park from the Tip
Photo by Andrew Almeida

At the Tip
By the time this photo was taken, more people had arrived.
Photo by Andrew Almeida
We decided that we would take the main trail back towards the shuttle pick up / drop off but instead of hopping on the shuttle to take us back to the Visitor's Centre, we thought we'd walk along the beach instead.  So we cut across the same side trail as before and walked up the beach.  We've always wanted to hike this part but never have so thought this would be a perfect time.  I'm glad we did as we came across a sanderling who was so busy searching for it's meal that it was willing to allow me to photograph it for as long as I wanted.  Further up the beach we came across a yellowlegs who was not so willing in having his picture taken.





Sanderling With Catch
The one thing that I found sad and upsetting was the number of garbage and ballons found washed up on the shore.  We carried out as much of it as we could but unfortunately weren't able to get it all. 

Eventually we made it back to the trail that would lead us to the Visitor's Centre and decided that we would head over and do the Woodland Nature Trail.  This trail was quite active with bird activity in May but this time it was much quieter.  There were birds but not as plentiful and unfortunately I wasn't able to get any good photographs of them. 

Unfortunately we ran out of time to do any more of the park as we had to head back home.  There were still many trails left to be done but I am hopeful we will return in the spring during the bird spring migration.

Walking around trees proved a little tricky at times if we wanted to remain dry.  We had to time the waves and make a run for it!
Photo by Andrew Almeida
Photo by Andrew Almeida
Photo by Andrew Almeida
Photo by Andrew Almeida